
Northern Brewer acquired by Anheuser-Busch

Northern Brewer has been acquired by the venture capital arm of Anheuser-Busch. By this time, another acquisition in the beer industry isn’t really news, but…

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New study reveals the economic impact of homebrewing

These days, nobody is surprised to hear about the tremendous impact the craft brewing industry has on the U.S. economy, but less people are aware…

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Inaugural Pacific NW Homebrewers Conference, March 4th and 5th

The inaugural Pacific Northwest Homebrewers Conference takes place on Friday, March 4th and Saturday, March 5th in Vancouver, WA. Registration is now open. The event…

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November 2nd is the 14th Annual Learn to Homebrew Day

The American Homebrewers Association (AHA) encourages everyone to learn to brew. November 2nd is the 14th Annual Learn To Homebrew Day. All you need to…

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Seattle’s Latest Innovation? PicoBrew

Seattle is a city of innovators. Microsoft, Amazon, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Seattle is also a city with over 40 craft breweries. And now,…

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Alabama is Threatening to Legalize Homebrewing

It may be remembered as the most influential of Jimmy Carter’s actions as President. Seriously. The 55 MPH national speed limit is history, rendering that…

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